Essential questions are questions that cause student's to think critically. These questions are important for students gaining knowledge. An essential questions is a form of open ended question, it requires an answer. There may be more than one answer for this question. This question will engage students in a discussion about the question where there should be lots of different answers.
I think from what was discussed about the book during class that it is focused on the older grades. I am planning on teaching in the lower grades and would like to see how this relates from this perspective. Yes, I have my own opinions about this but we are all going to be teachers and I think it is great to hear the view point of others.
Observing in the classroom for me has always been exciting. I observed over the summer and while we didn't see the "normal" classroom, it was a lot of fun. I got to spend more time observing because I was included in the whole day. It was an awesome experience. Due to where I work, I do not get to leave for a whole day of observing so it was nice to see a day from start to finish. You don't really think about all of the extras in a day of teaching till you see it first hand. When you put it together you have to wonder how much time you actually have your students to teach.
I am still wondering about our lesson plans, tonight helped but does anyone know exactly what Dr. Steffes wants? Can we do them for the younger grades?
Unfortunately, I have no experience below high school, so I am interested to hear how you are perceiving and interpreting our lessons so that they fit for your future classroom. I am also confused about the lesson plan assignments. We should probably make a point to ask Dr. Steffes about that next class. I mainly want to know when we are supposed to submit them and what each one should contain.