Lesson Plans!! I am sure we will all do many of these plans in the future and while I do lesson plans for the age bracket I work with, they are far different from those we are now working on. I have learned over the past couple of years how to plan for different age brackets and have worked with children who are 2 years old all the way through 11th grade. This has been great experience. However, I am still working on my 10 lesson plans for this class and as of now have not fully completed one. I would like to say I even know exactly what I am doing (I do for the most part) however, this is not exactly true. I know what I am doing my unit on and what I want to accomplish but the lessons themselves are a work in progress. I was going look up my old lesson plans in the Madeleine Hunter Format and get my brain started but I haven't looked them up yet. Tomorrow I am off and I will not be watching the grand babies so I will be working on lesson plans all day. I think that once I start this process it will go rather quickly because that is how I usually work. I just need to get my brain focused on the task at hand and take off from there. the task at hand and take off from there. My questions for you are how are your lesson plans coming? Are they as easy as you thought they would be?